Business View Magazine
ney that we’re on, people didn’t want Color Glo to be
known. The reason being is because when you go in to
buy that used car, the last thing that you want to know
is that before you bought it the interior stunk, it looked
terrible, it was all ratty, and ripped, and torn. So we
were always confined to ‘the back of the lot.’ We were
never one to be put out front. Well, in the last ten or
fifteen years, we’ve been changing that picture and we
want to become more recognized and that’s been a
slow journey for us. But it’s happening. We’re asked for
by name, today. We get calls from warranty companies
saying, ‘We heard about you guys and would like to get
you on our warranty list because we know the work
that you can do.’
BVM: In closing, what are some of the important
points that you would like our readers to know about
your Color Glo International?
Scott: What’s nice about the business is so many peo-
ple - when they’re looking at something - they’re afraid
of having to sell, or sitting behind the counter and be-
ing at the will of people coming into a store, or having
the overhead. We have none of those concerns. Your
overhead is your vehicle, your cell phone, and your
business insurance. And that’s it. And you go where’s
the business is at. You get in your office, which is mo-
bile, and you go to it. If you don’t want to work that day,
you just don’t work. The only money it costs you is what
you don’t earn.
We like to say that we’re the right business at the right
time. We have a business model here that works. We
have a system and a series of products that work. We
have a great group of people out there who speak very
highly of each other. And our workmanship is beyond
excellent; it’s the envy of the marketplace.