Business View Magazine
us unique and different.
BVM: Does Color Glo advertise?
Scott: We do no national advertising, but our franchi-
sees do local advertising. We provide all of our franchis-
es with their own web presence, social media – Face-
book, Twitter, and all the other social media platforms.
We also provide all of our franchisees with the decals
for their vehicle so they are decked out with the Color
Glo logo. We provide a very professional website; we
provide the clothing, the hats, and everything else so
that you go out as a professional. The customer you’re
going to knows with whom you work and what you do.
BVM: What are some of Color Glo’s plans for the fu-
We will continue to add new franchises. We are look-
ing at ways to give our franchise network the oppor-
tunity to have the ability to be multiple unit operators
and add people within their own territory because their
businesses are such that there’s so much work out
there, they can’t conceivably keep up. So we’ve come
up with ways that they can expand internally within
their own market areas.
From a corporate perspective, we’re looking at adding
additional personnel and bringing in whatever it takes
to maintain the quality and integrity of our business.
And we’re looking to grow the business to where we
become a brand people recognize. We’d like to be
more proactive in getting additional corporate entities
to recognize us so that we become more visible in the
BVM: Has that been an issue in the past?
Scott: You know, at the very beginning of this jour-