Business View Magazine
mend Shaddock Homes to a family member or friend.”
The company currently employs a workforce of 55
employees. We built 162 homes in 2014 and plan on
building 200 in 2015.
It’s most typical customer is between 35 and 50 years
old, has a family with several children and is a move-
up buyer, usually purchasing a second or third home.
Beth Shaddock Cesare, the company’s director of
marketing and design, said customers these days en-
ter the process with far more information and savvy
than they might have a generation ago with Pinterest,
Houzz, etc.
“They’re certainly more educated than they used to
be,” she said. “The level of detail that they’re seek-
ing is so fine-tuned. They can research anything and
see what they want online, and then they come in with
full-color profiles of what they’re looking for, not Xerox
copies. It’s a fun challenge for us to keep up with all
the looks they’re trying to achieve in a room. They want
Peter H. Shaddock Sr.