Business View Magazine
The Right Home,
Right Now
Shaddock Homes specializes in creating custom luxury
Even as a kid, there was little doubt what direction
Peter Shaddock, Sr. would take with his career as an
“I liked to build things. I was always a builder and I al-
ways knew what my profession was going to be when I
became an adult” he said. In grade school, Peter built
tree houses in his parents’ yard and in his friends’
yards. During high school, Peter would skip school to
build house boats on the Sabine River in Orange, TX.
Peter’s major was Residential Construction Manage-
ment at Texas Christian University. So it’s little surprise
that in 1967, he chose to start a homebuilding com-
And nearly a half-century later, that company – Shad-
dock Homes – is a go-to provider in the Dallas/Fort
Worth area for customers seeking a luxury custom
home whose innovative and inspiring designs and ex-
terior and interior craftsmanship distinguish it from