Busniess View Magazine - September 2024

and stay true to its family roots. Over the next 18 months, the company plans to invest in new sorting technology and focus on planting cranberry varieties that offer the best quality for fresh consumption. “We’re not so interested in increasing our yields; more cranberries doesn’t always mean better cranberries,” Habelman explains. Instead, the company targets firm, solid varieties with a longer shelf life, ensuring customers receive the highest quality product possible. Renovating cranberry beds and planting new varieties is slow, taking about three years for new vines to produce a substantial crop. However, Habelman is PREFERRED VENDOR/PARTNER n The Cranberry Network www.thecranberrynetwork.com The Cranberry Network (TCN), and Cranberry Partners are cranberry sales companies located in Wisconsin Rapids WI. TCN focuses on everything related to conventional fresh cranberries; sales, order taking, production scheduling, freight options, invoicing etc. Cranberry Partners focuses on everything related to Organic fresh cranberries. patient and committed to the company’s long-term success. “Besides trying to keep everybody healthy and happy and keep the company running at a good trajectory, our focus is on renovating old cranberry vines and making our plants higher quality and more efficient,” he says. For Habelman, the true joy of his work lies in being out in the fields, working with the cranberry vines.“I love being out on the farm, whether it’s irrigation in the early mornings or frost protection at night,” he shares. With all the role demands, Habelman finds great satisfaction in the simple yet essential tasks that keep the business going. 28 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 09