Busniess View Magazine - September 2024

utilizes integrated CRM systems that cover the entire process from lead generation to financial management. The primary criteria for selecting software boils down to two questions: does it help the tradesmen doing the work do their job better and secondly, can it streamline a pre-existing process? Current explorations into AI, such as customer communication via AI-driven texts, are part of ongoing efforts to enhance service delivery. The overall goal is to enhance the people behind the process from every fathomable angle. These investments into human capital are prioritized to ensure robust franchisee and worker support. “Early on, I made the bet that if we just invested in more infrastructure and more support for our franchisees, that it would shake out well for us. And so, we have a very large support staff of over 100 for all the things we do, from marketing to the appointment center to the support staff, to our coaches,” Montgomery explains. 229 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 09 RESIBRANDS