Business View Magazine - Sept 2023

90 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 9 stablished in 2019 by Ron Holmes and Kareem Kenyatta, The Majority Minority Group has a mission to bolster diversity across industries, particularly the cannabis sector. Their focus involves aiding minority candidates in securing cannabis licenses and efficiently running their enterprises. The company’s website highlights, “While lobbying on behalf of the adult use of cannabis in Illinois, Holmes, and Kenyatta realized that cannabis legalization is more than an issue of racial and social justice for those disproportionately harmed by America’s drug war; it is also a business imperative in which people of color should and must participate.” E PROMOTING EQUITY, RING INCLUSIVITY, AND NG THE PLAYING FIELD E CANNABIS INDUSTRY. THE MAJORI T Y MINORI T Y GROUP Working hard for its members, the Majority Minority Group ‘grows’ the legislative and educational agenda