Business View Magazine - Sept 2023

287 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 9 WACO REGIONAL AI RPORT We recently caught up with Cody Mathis, Operations Manager with Waco Regional Airport to discuss how this thriving airport is gearing up with infrastructure upgrades. Placed on the north shore of Lake Waco and possessed of two asphalt runways, with concrete beneath to a depth of some 16 inches to better handle heavy aircraft traffic from large, 63-ton planes, the airport comprises some 1,369 acres, as Mathis informs. It also boasts two jetways with two gates in use. The airport boasts a10,000-square-foot terminal with a café for passengers to enjoy a well as a Texas Aero building with it own lobby. The airport hosts Texas Aero, its one full-service fixed-base operator (or FBO), well known as a top-notch general-aviation facility that has been in continuous operation for the past 50 years. This popular FBO boasts more than 40,000 square feet of combined hangar and office space. “The terminal building is a completely, 100-percent new aesthetic,” Mathis adds of the