Business View Magazine - Sept 2023

202 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 9 of dementia and how to respond appropriately. This enables them to assist those who make Cross Keys Village their home with greater respect and empathy as their needs evolve. They are also trained in how to intervene when they identify a situation that might be potentially unsafe. One flagship on the 334-acre Cross Keys Village campus is Brookside, a 32-bed specialized residence for individuals with a diagnosis of neurocognitive disorder or dementia, designed to provide an optimal environment during the intermediate and later stages of the disease. A secure environment, Brookside offers a comprehensive recreation Life Engagement calendar, extending into the late evening and incorporating elements that engage mind, body and spirit. Technology “behind the scenes” While talented team members are Cross Keys Village’s not-so secret sauce when providing compassionate and innovative services to older adults, recent years have seen the adoption of several cutting-edge technologies to help make the experience of living and working at Cross Keys Village even better. Ali Neiderer, Life Engagement Coordinator at Brookside, elaborates, “We have a system called It’s Never Too Late, developed by IN2L. The software program creates content that is customized for an older individual or a resident with memory impairment. The program recognizes each participant from their previous session and challenges them, via quizzes, games, dexterity exercises and trivia, just enough to stimulate them without aggravating or discouraging them. Rewards, also part of the system, include traveling segments, favorite music selections from the past, and more.” Neiderer continues: “Another innovation at Brookside is a specialized lighting system in our common areas, that works to help regulate the circadian rhythm of residents who have lost their perception of time. Morning light encourages appetite and activity… while evening light gently leads to a gradual winding down as the day’s calendar gently wraps up.” Back in Residential Living, Holly Fetting is an enthusiastic convert to a newly-installed communication tool. TouchTown is an app that the village has used for a year now, and it has become the primary way of communicating reliably with more than 800 villagers. Fetting explains: “Over the years, communicating the various calendars and announcements from administration and dozens of groups had become fragmented and confusing: Posters, flyers, newsletters, CCTV bulletins, you name it. With such a massive volume of activities, residents just couldn’t keep track, but with TouchTown they can access all the information in the palm of their hands. Honestly, I was surprised how quickly the new format has been adopted. Most villagers are thrilled to have the information available on their phone 24/7. Of course, we still have a sign-up binder for our villagers who aren’t yet on board with TouchTown.” Oliver Hazan confirms: “The image that older