Business View Magazine - Sept 2023

201 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 9 CROSS KEYS VILLAGE-THE BRETHREN HOME COMMUNITY, NEW OXFORD, PENNSYLVANIA Its rural setting notwithstanding, the organization prides itself on being a CCRC ahead of the curve. Oliver Hazan, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, explains what a CCRC is: “The CCRC model was first implemented in the 60s and started flourishing in the 70s. It was the earliest example of Managed Care in the US. CCRCs care for individuals from late retirement until the end of their earthly journey. In addition to residential housing, the facility – we don’t like that word, but we can use it this one time – must include Assisted Living or Personal Care, and a nursing home (rehab and long-term) to be considered a CCRC.” “Roughly 10% of the 2,000 CCRCs in the US are located in Pennsylvania, the majority of them are nonprofit and faith-based. Other areas in the country have not adopted the CCRC model as enthusiastically. You could call South Central Pennsylvania ground zero for continuing care… it’s a cultural thing” Hazan adds. Serving today’s and tomorrow’s retirees Far from the rather spartan Residential Living accommodations that once were the norm, modern communities like Cross Keys Village offer a wide range of options, with single- family Country Homes (other organizations call them Villas) exceeding 1,500 square feet. In addition to spacious, convenient residences, modern retirees expect a wide range of wellness, dining, cultural arts and lifelong learning programs, hosted in inviting and up-to-date common spaces. Furthermore, they require that supportive services be available, allowing the community’s residents to safely “age in place” if their mobility or intellectual capacities should be affected by age. The average stay in Residential Living is just under 11 years, with some long-term residents remaining in their apartment or cottage for 25 years or longer. Cross Keys Village is proud of a culture that celebrates aging as a growing opportunity. Few CCRCs dedicate more space or more resources to their lifelong learning and wellness initiatives. A wide catalogue of classes, trips, concerts and creative art activities is offered under a general umbrella of “Life Enrichment.” Holly Fetting, the Director of Life Enrichment at Cross Keys Village, works with a multi-talented team. Classes, lectures and demonstrations are held by local instructors, by Life Enrichment staff, and even by villagers with a lifetime of experience. Not one to simply let matters cruise along, Fetting shares: “I like to get people out of their comfort zones and I try to get them thinking about things they’ve not thought of before. It seems like just yesterday older adults were expected to slow down, or even fade away. But my team and I organize a new, large-scale art exhibit several times a year, and you should see the quality of the submissions from our villagers. Their curiosity and their enthusiasm continue to amaze me.” Memory Care always in focus Following the pathbreaking vision of CEO Jeff Evans and COO Joy Bodnar, Cross Keys Village has evolved since 2014 into a center of excellence for everything related to Memory Care and Memory Support. Every team member at Cross Keys Village receives ongoing education about the symptoms