Business View Magazine - Sept 2023

194 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 9 higher performing products,” he explains. STOBER Drives is not just about optimizing its current product portfolio but also about innovating and integrating components into more comprehensive systems. Mellenkamp shares, “We are promoting and pushing our EZ geared motor, which is extremely compact and dynamic.” The company is also embracing the trend of incorporating feedback mechanisms into its products. “STOBER Drives has a servo stop product that has I/O and sensors in the product and gives you feedback for how the product is performing,” Mellenkamp adds. In addition to product innovation, STOBER Drives is also leveraging technology to enhance the customer experience. Mellenkamp explains, “You can go online at any time and configure a product per the requirements that you have or any specifications characteristics that you need. STOBER has one of the largest product portfolios, and you can always filter it down and find a product that’ll fit.” This online configuration tool offers customers an unprecedented level of flexibility. “If you look at the STOBER portfolio, we have billions of permutations of possibilities. You can go in and configure what your desire is and you’ll have access to all of the information: CAD models, speed torque graphs, and all the other performance characteristics of the product,” Mellenkamp says. This customer- centric approach is yet another testament to STOBER Drives’ commitment to meeting the evolving needs of its customers.