Business View Magazine - Sept 2023

192 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 9 This proactive approach extends to STOBER’s product development efforts. Dunnavan notes that while a lot of its product development originates from Germany, the company is consistently growing its manufacturing facility in the US. “Our manufacturing facility has been consistently growing. It’s gone from 3 or 4 machines to the whole factory being full of machines. We’re constantly bringing more parts in-house,” he shares. Embracing Automation As STOBER Drives continues to expand, the company is making significant strides in capital investment, particularly in the realm of automation. Dunnavan reveals, “We’re looking at some robotic tending for some of the manufacturing machines. We’re looking at robotic painting for one product line that pretty much does the job of a whole paint booth and sprays the same thing all day, every day.” The goal, he outlines, is to identify key areas that can be automated to better allocate resources. In the face of a shrinking labor pool, the company is not merely seeking to hire more employees. Instead, they are exploring how automation can free up existing employees to do more. However, Dunnavan clarifies that the company’s approach to automation is not about replacing human labor with artificial intelligence. “We have so many different models and configurations of gearboxes that we sell that are assembled to order and we’re very, very flexible. So, we try to organize our workspaces so that tools are easy to find, everything is organized well, and assemblers can change what they’re building at the drop of a hat,” he explains. Fostering a Culture of Growth STOBER Drives’ approach to its workforce is as innovative as its products. Neff emphasizes the importance of company culture and the role of people in their business. “The culture and the people are the backbone of the company,” he states. Amy McCord, Marketing Manager and leader of the culture team elaborates on the company’s unique approach to employee development and engagement.