Business View Magazine - Sept 2023

190 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 9 higher speeds and demands.” he explains This shift in demand has necessitated significant changes in STOBER’s production processes. David Dunnavan, Lead Industrial Engineer, provides insight into the company’s response to these challenges. “For us, it’s been a lot about visibility to our production schedules,” he says. “We’ve had to change the way we schedule products because They’re assembled to order. “We’ve had to visibly show our customer service and sales teams how busy each production line is on a given day.” Despite these challenges, Dunnavan is optimistic about the company’s ability to navigate these pressures. “Most definitely, we’ve changed our strategy for some things. We’ve been trying to source a lot more parts in the US, working with contracts through suppliers to make sure that they will have stock,” he says.