Business View Magazine - Sept 2023

147 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 9 However, on the global stage, flexible packaging reigns supreme. This dominance is attributed to the myriad sustainability benefits it offers. Consumer product giants, such as Pepsi and General Mills, have increasingly gravitated towards flexible packaging. “Walk into any store, and you’ll find that nearly 70% of the products are housed in flexible packaging,” Keane states. This shift is driven by brands’ commitment to reducing their carbon footprint. Flexible packaging, with its minimal material usage, translates to less waste, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and a significant decrease in water and energy consumption. Navigating the Winds of Change: The FPA’s Proactive Approach In the ever-evolving landscape of the packaging industry, the FPA remains attuned to the concerns and challenges faced by its members. Keane outlines the FPA’s foundational pillars: advocacy, promotion, research and information, and educational networking opportunities. “Advocacy didn’t used to be as big of a role,” she admits. Historically, the FPA’s focus was more on providing research, promoting communication to the end consumer, and fostering networking opportunities within this rapidly expanding sector of the packaging industry. However, the winds began to shift about five years ago. Recognizing the burgeoning challenges, especially those surrounding plastic packaging, the FPA took a proactive stance. They realized that it wasn’t enough to leave the responsibility of addressing packaging issues solely to consumer brands. Over the past half-decade, the FPA has significantly bolstered its advocacy efforts, redirecting resources both financially and otherwise. The association also pivoted its promotional strategy, targeting consumers directly. Keane highlights a crucial insight: “The consumer doesn’t know why a brand would pick the packaging FLE X I BLE PACKAGING ASSOCIAT ION (FPA) they use. And they don’t know the sustainability benefits of flexible packaging.” In response, the FPA has channeled its resources to combat the “packaging and plastic backlash,” as Keane terms it. Yet, every challenge also presents an opportunity. The FPA views the current climate as a chance to educate and spread its message about carbon neutrality and the environmental benefits of flexible packaging. “It’s two-pronged,” Keane explains. On one hand, the FPA adopts a defensive stance, ensuring that the industry’s growth isn’t stymied by bans or restrictions. On the other, they seize the opportunity to spotlight the positive aspects of flexible packaging, ensuring that the narrative around it is both informed and balanced. Steering Through Legislative Labyrinths: The FPA’s Advocacy in Action The FPA is not just about promoting the benefits of flexible packaging; it’s also about navigating the intricate maze of legislation that impacts the industry. Keane sheds light on the FPA’s approach to these challenges. “We have what’s called the Circularity Committee,