Business View Magazine - Sept 2023

143 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 9 manufacturing sector upon graduating high school, for four years, you’re earning money, while your counterparts who did go to the university aren’t, and you can be ahead of the game, probably between a quarter of a million dollars just by working for those four years.” Information Sharing Recognizing that CMTA operates within an ecosystem of collaborative knowledge exchange, Hastings imparts that advanced manufacturing is undeniably the next wave. “That is manufacturing, essentially on steroids,” he portrays. “That combination of information, processes, and technology will make manufacturing the most efficient it’s ever been in the history of humankind. That includes water stewardship, concern for the environment, efficient output, and, of course, how we treat our employees.” To keep members informed of innovation and news in the industry, CMTA launched ‘Friday Five’ a weekly shout-out with the top five things to be aware of from the week. Video recaps are another source of information, shared via social media. “It’s not necessarily a member benefit, but it is just going out to the masses because the video is really important as we’re trying to change the manufacturing industry and the perception of manufacturing,” Rochita describes. Representing the Industry and Staying Aware of Compliance Requirements A significant portion of CMTA’s efforts is directed towards interacting with regulatory bodies such as the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and the State Water Resources Control Board, agencies that Hastings says have a direct impact on individual manufacturing facilities. “Our team spends much of their time engaging with the regulators, and the leadership in these agencies to express the concerns of manufacturing so that we can make sure we’re in compliance,” he recounts. “Really, one’s reputation is tied up in compliance. If that ever goes south, you obviously lose your reputation, and you could get in some financial trouble. So, we do a really good job of working, through our members, with the regulatory agencies.” To keep up to date in the ever-evolving landscape of regulations and industry dynamics, CMTA co-chairs a meeting known as Thursday Group. “That is businesses and other stakeholders that sit around once a month, surprisingly, on a Thursday, and they talk about the issues of the day so that we’re all aware of what’s going on. We’re always trying to stay ahead of that curve,” Hastings stresses. Future Focus As for what is on the horizon, Hastings says CMTA will prioritize legislative effort AB number 52, CAL I FORNIA MANUFACTURERS AND TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIAT ION