Business View Magazine - Sept 2023

131 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 9 MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISE SOLUT IONS ASSOCIAT ION (MESA) creating a vibrant platform for best practice sharing and peer-to-peer networking. John Clemons, the Incoming Chair of the Americas Board, encapsulates the essence of MESA’s mission with eloquence and clarity. “MESA has been steadfast in its commitment to the global manufacturing community,” Clemons articulates. “Our primary mandate is to use information technology as a catalyst to achieve business results. We’re not just about technology for technology’s sake; we’re about the tangible outcomes it can deliver.” This unwavering focus on real-world results is mirrored in MESA’s multifaceted approach to education and research. By creating a space for best practice sharing, MESA ensures that its members remain at the vanguard of the industry, armed with the latest insights and tools to navigate the complexities of contemporary manufacturing. Moreover, the emphasis on peer-to-peer networking underscores MESA’s belief in the collective power of collaboration. Clemons elucidates, “In this dynamic environment, it’s imperative for industry stalwarts to connect, exchange experiences, and learn collaboratively. MESA is that nexus, a hub where innovation is not just encouraged but celebrated.” Harnessing the Power of Information Technology in Manufacturing