Business View Magazine - Sept 2023

123 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 9 USA INSULAT ION radio and television, print media and direct- mail advertising. This is such a visual product. People need to see and understand exactly what the product does, and then they are sold.” Additional Home Services Franchise Opportunities USA Insulation owners also recognize the value of synergy within the Threshold Brands family of services. Existing franchise owners often explore opportunities to diversify their portfolio by adding complementary brands. This strategy allows them to leverage existing client relationships and offer additional services and products to enhance their business. Bender says, “The Threshold Brands portfolio includes an array of remarkable franchises, each excelling in its niche in the home services space.” Granite Garage Floors, for instance, specializes in stunning coatings for concrete floors, creating a granite-like finish. Heating and Air Paramedics and Plumbing Paramedics focus on providing consumer-centric HVAC and Plumbing services, Spray Foam Systems H I G H V O L U M E . L OW P R E S S U R E . REVOLUTIONIZE THE WAY YOU SPRAY! NITROSYS HVLP 55 GAL DRUM GREENFLARE HEATED HOSE N+ METAL GUN TRANSFER PUMP TRANSFER PUMP 55 GAL DRUM • Increased Jobsite Efficiency: Similar production output to high pressure systems, quick startup/shutdown procedures. • Lower Re-Entry and Re-Occupancy Times: This applies to your customer, as well as tradesmen. • Minimized Sprayer PPE Requirements, as opposed to high pressure equipment, when using approved SPF products. • Spray Foam Systems is dedicated to providing best in class training and technical support for all products, including the Nitrosys HVLP.