Business View Magazine - Sept 2023

116 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 9 being available and ready. We’re a service company and everything that goes with that. We just happen to also sell products well!” Kelsey adds that Bloomin’ Blinds is taking an analog industry into the digital age. “I’d like us to be known as a company that’s a little restless,” he continues, “that’s always looking for innovation to improve our customers’ collective experience and improve our franchise owners’ efficiency and create a ‘wow’ impression with our customers, that they’re getting the most for their money.” As America’s economy slowly improves, Kris stresses the word, “resiliency.” “We’ve marched this thing to the top of our mountain,” he says, “and we just keep layering on more dirt, making the mountain bigger. We’re comfortable, being uncomfortable. We don’t get scared and run for the hills. Ours is a strong, resilient company that is unafraid to make its path.” “We’re also considerate,” he adds, stressing integrity. “It sounds cliché, but we listen. We believe in applying the utmost consideration to someone’s home.” “We are the ‘should’ company,” Kelsey concurs, citing how things should be done. “Do the ‘shoulds,’” Kris concludes. PREFERRED VENDOR/PARTNER n Scorpion Design LLC. Scorpion is the leading provider of technology and marketing services for local businesses. In the past 20 years, Scorpion has helped 14,000+ businesses achieve their goals. We focus on finding you the right leads, turning more of them into customers, and helping you run your best business.