Business View Magazine | September 2022

68 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 9 of the world. The client was happy that we came to them, but also happy that it wasn’t an enormous amount of money. That turned out to be a win, but generally speaking, we give a little and get a little as costs move around.” Strong partnerships are important both inside and outside of the company. LaVé sings the praises of Peter Gay and Blake Johnson at Knife River Prestress. “They’ve been such valuable allies and wonderful clients for us. I really love the team that they’re building and the culture they’re creating at their business. We’re very proud to partner with them.” LaVé also finds it inspiring to see the level of trust his company has formed with Doug and Adam Bauer at Missoula Concrete Construction. Looking into the future, LaVé is excited about the work he is doing with Dr. Alan Barnard, one of the leading Decision Scientists and Theory of Constraints experts in the world. They are working through Dr. Barnard’s Viable Vision Program together. “One of the big things that I bring to the table is the people aspect and the client mentality – this ability to connect and fall in love with the client and fall in love with our employees and to foster a culture that’s really respectful and loving,” LaVé shares. “But I’ve also had to step back and look at the fact