Business View Magazine | September 2022

67 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 9 PREC I S ION PRECAST ERECTORS , LLC about making sure we cover ourselves for all escalation and inflation costs,” LaVé reveals. “And I understand that. We in turn explain that we are guaranteeing the price to the extent that performance happens in a specific window of time. We take the risk for that, and if it’s outside that window of time, then we all agree to revisit the issue and look at the cost impacts.” The company has experienced a great deal of success with this model. LaVé could only think of one job where they had to go back to the customer to examine the cost impacts and it ended up being an increase of less than half a percent of their cost. “It wasn’t the end can impact everyday decisions and impact how the client feels served. To the extent that we do that, we have phenomenal repeat business through referrals. Frankly, it feels really good for everybody when you’re in an environment where you want to care for people and respect people and the expectation is that they will care for and protect you in return. That’s inside the company, but it’s also out towards our clients.” Ultimately the relationship between Precision Precast Erectors and their clients is symbiotic – they need each other to thrive. “We’re seeing more contracts now that are very emphatic