Business View Magazine | Volume 8, Issue 9

195 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 8, ISSUE 9 A . L . MANGHAM JR . REGIONAL A I RPORT stopped the management team reaching out and collaborating with other institutions around Nacogdoches. One large program is the new flight school with Stephen F. Austin State University. The university has entered a partnership with HCH Aviation to provide professional flight training in conjunction with a four-year bachelor’s degree in Aviation Sciences. HCH Aviation is investing in constructing a new hangar at the airport, which will house classrooms, flight simulators, as well as training aircraft. The City of Nacogdoches recently approved an economic incentive package to support the project with tax rebates and infrastructure investment. This has been a plan in waiting due to the pandemic but activity on the project is starting to literally take off. “We’re actually going to pick up the training aircraft in Florida, which is exciting as there’s been many obstacles in the way to get this