
22 23 SEPT. / OCT. 2017 Executive View SUBMITTED BY EVERYTHING WAREHOUSE W arehouse productivity can be enhanced instantly by updating your racking system. Efficient racking creates a well-functioning center to store and manage goods in any ware- house scenario. If you have an industrial warehouse, you need racking solutions that are great for your space, while also being built from the correct materials. Before making this decision, examine the space to determine whether shelv- ing or racking is the best choice. If you are working with a large space, heavy items, large items, or high product flow, industrial warehouse racks are probably the best option. Next, it’s important to choose the style of rack, or combination of styles, best suited to your warehouse needs. Indus- trial warehouse racking requirements aren’t limited to one single type or size; there are many options available to cus- tomize a space for maximum efficiency. RACK ‘EM UP: SIX WAREHOUSE RACKING SOLUTIONS TO INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY