
106 107 THE PETROLEUM EQUIPMENT & SERVICES ASSOCIATION environmental and worker safety protections. In- dustry can point to clear progress in reducing methane emissions thanks to strong voluntary efforts. Additional innovations in multi-well pad drilling and powering rig components with natural gas and solar power provide collective benefits beyond saved time and money. The lower-for-longer market has even served to kick start tomorrow’s technologies forward.  For instance, take the focus many PESA member companies are placing on developing and imple- menting automation. The benefits of this effort are clear: improve efficiencies, safety, and accuracy. Ex- ponential growth in the use of data across the oilfield has also further driven these efforts.  Much like advertising companies utilizing trends in “likes” and “tweets” to drive marketing campaigns, oil and gas innovators are using data trends to advance automation across the drilling rig. The largest fruits of these labors are still to come, and we have always found the way through the work of innovative minds. Indeed, if there ever was an industry tailor-made for description by the phrase “where there is a will, there is a way,” it is the oil and gas industry. As crude oil prices strengthened during 2016,we wanted to believe we were on a firm road to recov- ery.However, as demonstrated by the events of the last fewmonths,most analysts are projecting the market to be volatile during the coming year. So, what are the implications for our sector? We obviously want to be optimistic and get back to providing the services, supplies, and technologies our customers rely on. However, prudent business leaders will likely pause a bit longer to fully vet contingency options for cases of another market downturn. Throughout the years,markets have fluctuated and newchallenges and opportunities have arisen.Success- ful companies are the ones that plan for the long term and work through PESAto strengthen our sector. Like the oilfield service, supply, and manufacturing sector it represents, PESA has evolved substantially since its founding in 1933. PESA is the national trade association representing 200 companies that provide the services, technology, equipment, and expertise necessary to safely and efficiently explore and pro- duce oil and natural gas. Serving as the unified voice for the sector, ad- vocating for and supporting the sector’s achieve- ments in job creation, technological innovation, and economic stability, PESA seeks opportunities to further empower its members and support this vital sector. PESA’s ongoing work is embodied in its mantra: Train, Elevate, Network, which translates into a broad range of programs and services that are focused on workforce development, advocacy, and business intelligence. PESA’s workforce development and training programs have been a valuable resource to its members, particularly during the challenging times of the last couple of years when most com- panies were hard-pressed to prioritize resources for training. Last year, PESA conducted more than 40 seminars, training programs, and leadership forums, and the schedule for 2017 is even more robust. The workforce development programs are designed to cultivate talent, strengthening skills and competitiveness. Another priority for PESA is to elevate the views of the oilfield service sector. PESA works to engage with policymakers on legislation and regulations that impact the safety and vitality of the energy in- dustry. As federal and state agencies move forward in implementing the new Administration’s agenda, PESA is increasing awareness of the issues that impact our sector and promoting education in the disciplines that drive the competitiveness of our workforce.