Business View Magazine | September 2020

285 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2020 MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHI P , NEW JERSEY from development. The most interesting part of this project is that it truly is not a three-p partnership, but a four-p partnership because this project has multiple entities, both private and public, all coming together to make this project a reality.” Looking ahead to the project’s eventual success, Perry adds, “The economic success of Middletown stems from this project and several other redevelopment projects that we have. But we all have the responsibility to look for new and innovative ways to generate revenue that calms the rise of property taxes. New Jersey has the highest property tax rate in the country. We’ve been very fortunate, due to smart fiscal planning, here in Middletown, but you can’t grow content. You have to understand that healthcare costs are going to rise, obligations are going to rise. These things are going to continue to go up. And we need to find ways to drive that economic engine.” Another project on the Township’s agenda is