Business View-Oct 2023

45 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 10 COASTL INE CONSTRUCT ION their roof, even if the shingles are ripped off, is going to be watertight- they are not going to get those leaks inside,” Polino insists. “We have also pivoted to the use of Peel Stick which is a much quicker installation and it is much safer for our guys when working on the roof.” Other advances have been made in the roofing industry that Polino drew attention to. “It amazes me the way technology has changed.” “For our bigger projects, let’s say three stories or higher, there are some great things that we use like dumpsters that get elevated off the first story or the second story so we’re right at the roofline and you just throw the material off to make sure things are safe and we have a system that is called a catch-all system.” He further illustrates a system that Coastline Construction utilizes which “is like a mesh netting that we surround our properties with to make sure that shrubs and bushes and AC units, garage doors and other everything is protected on the properties. Polino points out that none of these developments were available several years ago. More sophisticated, software-based technology is also progressing in the construction trades, Polino notes. “Drone footage is huge for us especially if we don’t feel safe going up on a roof.” “We can get a licensed drone pilot out there to draw on the property and access to see what we are working with and it is great for when we are producing jobs because we can use drone footage to create a great video of our guys working that showcases everything we do,” Polino adds. The company’s CRM and office software technology is also a lifesaver, according to Polino. “Our CRM is state-of-the-art.”