Business View-Oct 2023

43 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 10 COASTL INE CONSTRUCT ION For leading roofing experts, Coastline Construction, the roofing process is viewed as a holistic one; how to cover the roofing damage right through to how to help the client through the often arduous insurance or legal channels when claiming damage compensation. Based in Fort Myers, Florida, Coastline Construction has been seamlessly putting roofs on homes, often high-end, for years and this experience has cemented its top position in the Florida roofing and construction market. The company has gone one step beyond its local competition and offers specialized direction to help distressed homeowners walk through the task of making claims for roofing damage. ‘Covering’ after the damage is done “Our specialty is helping folks out after there is a disaster such as hurricane Irma,” Christopher Polino, Sales Manager with Coastline Construction begins. “A lot of times people, when they start their insurance claim process, do not know which way to go. We have public adjusters that we can get them in touch with and we have all of our attorneys that we have a good relationship with to get them retained to make sure that customers are getting properly taken care of through their insurance companies.” Facilitating the entire roofing process doesn’t end there. “Once all the customers’ claims settle out, we can come in and we can do the roof for the insurance proceeds. And as always, the homeowner is just paying the cost of their deductible and we put in a brand new beautiful roof on their home,” Polino adds. Polina is quick to point out that it is this end- to-end coverage for Coastline Construction clients that sets their services apart. “You know any roofing company could put a roof on, we are not building rockets or conducting brain surgery. The point we want to drive home is that we have your back as the homeowner or the business owner and whatever resource we have to give you, or whatever direction we can point you to get properly covered by your insurance company we will be there for you.” ‘Covering’ all the necessary steps When asked about how Coastal Construction goes about providing a full coverage service, Polino is quick to break down the company’s key steps. “First we diagnose the damage [after the latest hurricane] when compared to hurricane Irma back in 2017, we have seen much more water damage.” “We have had to go in to help out with this damage and determine whether the damage