Business View-Oct 2023

270 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 10 is a huge [chance] for West Virginia to be able to take those technologies and become a nationwide leader in sustainable aviation fuels; who knows?” A Diamond in the Rough Based on the decisive moves and investments Wheeling-Ohio County Airport and its partnered institutions have made, it’s pretty clear who knows. The biggest takeaway is a clear message from the Airport conveyed by both Price and Escue. “We want to be the biggest contributors to the overall economic impact of the area.” So far, they have followed through immensely on those words and are poised to do so in bigger and bolder ways in the future. With the airport’s optimal geographic location, the state’s surplus of raw materials, and the chain reaction of new, emerging technologies and industries, the Wheeling- Ohio County Airport is undoubtedly one of the most integral components to the success of West Virginia as a whole. Amazingly enough, it made all of this progress seemingly under the radar. But as time passes and the mainstream eye becomes increasingly aware of who is behind these incredible gains, the airport’s efforts are sure to earn an exclusive and, hopefully, permanent spotlight as one of the nation’s trailblazing aerospace establishments. PREFERRED VENDOR/ PARTNER n Wheeling-Ohio County Convention & Visitors Bureau