Business View-Oct 2023

268 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 10 lot of new technologies out there to create sustainable aviation fuels,” says Price, hinting at the compatibility of this new efficient tech and West Virginia’s abundance of natural resources. Much of that technology is based on natural gas and hydrogen, resources the state is already exploring via its already built-out production facilities. With the pace of development and the extent of potential regarding sustainability there is much potential for growth in this area. Price teases the possibility, saying, “there A gateway to Industry advancements However, the advancements don’t end there, as Wheeling-Ohio County Airport’s strong presence within its state has also triggered the emergence of a new industry sector for West Virginia to potentially pioneer. This results from synergy between newly developing technologies and the state’s already established presence as a natural gas provider. Just as eVTOL tech is changing the playing field for charter aircraft, there are also “a