Business View-Oct 2023

267 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 10 WHEEL ING-OHIO COUNT Y AI RPORT universities like Marshall and West Liberty, and “if the students want to fly commercially… they’re offering incentives like full tuition. And if [the students] agree to work for them for two years, they pay off their tuition.” This grants students an incredible chance to not only gain top-notch education but to do so while graduating debt-free with the bonus of having a two-year job guaranteed the instant they finish. And this doesn’t even factor in the incentives revolving around other non-trade programs like aviation business management. Ultimately, this means two amazing things. There’s now a direct route toward filling the aerospace industry’s growing job demand. And West Virginia, as the state, now has a durable anchor to hold on to as it grows as an industry leader and creator of local and non-local jobs. And all of this has been facilitated by the presence of one critical entity: The Wheeling-Ohio County Airport.