Business View-Oct 2023

265 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 10 WHEEL ING-OHIO COUNT Y AI RPORT is coming quickly… especially with things like eVTOL, which stands for electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft. That technology… it’s here.” Price predicts that eVTOL technology will make a big “splash” on the West Virginia market over the next 24 months. To put the mainstream holding power of eVTOL tech into perspective, current small charter aircraft–like King aircraft or large corporate helicopters– cost about $1,500 – $1,800 an hour to operate. However, the current eVTOL aircraft coming onto the market will have the same passenger capacity with only a $500 per hour price point to operate. The massive gap in the operational costs between the two technologies is extraordinarily sustainable. According to Price, “you’re going to see that really open up the charter world quite a bit and really make a big difference in the State of West Virginia.” The advance signals growth for the charter sector and a surplus of opportunities for the region as a whole, as the current cutting- edge presents a new demand for research, development, and component manufacturing. For the area’s residents, that means a massive influx of new jobs and a growing need for training and industry expertise. So, Wheeling-Ohio County Airport has been collaborating with local universities to supply the future demand before it even arrives.