Business View Magazine - Oct 2023

225 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 10 will only have a highly positive economic impact on the region and neighboring provinces. “One of the challenges that we’ve faced since COVID is that air carriers have started upgrading or updating to larger aircrafts,” Desjardins continues. That means fewer flights to do the same volume of service with Kingston and its proximity to the surrounding airports of Toronto, Ottawa, and Montréal and, in neighboring New York state, Syracuse, and Watertown. Solving this problem may require the assistance of the Canadian government in the form of federal grants. “Regional airports require some support to bring air service back, because of the changes in the aviation sector,” Desjardins observes. He spoke further about Kingston Airport’s physical improvements and infrastructural upgrades, as well as the facility’s economic impact on the entire region and beyond. Kingston Airport, as KINGSTON AIRPORT