Business View-Oct 2023

14 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 10 poverty neighborhoods.The program has a three-pronged approach that includes the redevelopment of distressed properties, and supportive services, while investing in economic development and neighborhood improvement projects. A two-year planning grant will allow the new awardees to create and build support for a comprehensive plan, according to a statement.“Choice Neighborhoods Transformation Plans lead to real results for public housing communities,” said Richard Monocchio, principal deputy assistant secretary for Public and Indian Housing. “Planning grants are a great first step to bringing partners and significant resources to distressed communities—and they better position communities to pursue the funding necessary to bring a community’s vision to life.” Today’s awards from HUD will bring the benefits of clean energy and climate resilience to hardworking American families in states across the nation,” said John Podesta, senior advisor to the president for clean energy innovation and implementation.