Business View-Oct 2023

12 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 10 to date in urban and community forests. The statement notes that the high number of applications is indicative of a substantial need for more trees and green spaces. “Studies show that trees in communities are associated with improved physical and mental health, lower average temperatures during extreme heat, and increased food security, and create new economic opportunities,” the statement says. “This historic funding will help the Forest Service support projects that increase tree cover in disadvantaged communities, provide equitable access to the benefits of nature, and deliver tangible economic and ecological benefits to urban and Tribal communities across the country.” Those selecting the award winners took into account environmental justice, and used the White House Council on Environmental Quality’s Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool to help identify disadvantaged communities. The mapping tool identifies disadvantaged communities that face burdens in the categories of climate, energy, health, housing including nature deprivation, legacy pollution, transportation, water and wastewater, workforce development, and other socioeconomic thresholds, the statement says.