Business View Magazine | October 2019

256 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE OCTOBER 2019 review that and they can say the Part 2 orders are frivolous, or not significant enough, and give us the go ahead. Or they can tell us to go ahead but they want us to do X-Y-Z, or whatever it happens to be. The Minister has asked his staff to put a high priority on it, since residential septic systems are failing and it’s becoming more urgent for our town. Everyone is getting frustrated with how long it takes to do these things.” BVM: What is the timeframe for completion, once approved? Alls: “We hope to have shovels in the ground by 2022. In the meantime, we’re doing a Growth Management Study, an Asset Management Study, a Strategic Plan, an Economic Development Plan, and the town’s first ever Parks, Recreation, and Culture Master Plan. So, we’re spending a lot of money in preparation for the go-ahead. When it’s approved, we’ll have to get the actual engineering plans done – where we put the pipes, how deep they go, etc., which will take at least a year. Then, there’s financing. The developers will pay through development charges, but the current residents @AinleyGroup DELIVERING COMMUNITY-DRIVEN SOLUTIONS FOR GROWTH & SUSTAINABILITY WWW.AINLEYGROUP.COM MUNICIPAL TRANSPORTATION WATER & WASTEWATER STRUCTURAL PLANNING WATER & WASTEWATER SPECIALISTS • DISTRIBUTION • COLLECTION • STORAGE • TREATMENT