44 45 DUNDEE RESORT & GOLF CLUB W elcome to Cape Breton Island,Nova Scotia–home to scenichills,lake adventures,warmAtlanticCanada hospitality,and the Dundee Resort &Golf Club,which encompasses all that andmuch more. In the early1970s,DEVCO,a federal crown corpora- tionmanaging the Cape Breton coal industry,began expanding its initiatives to revitalize the Island’s economy.Tourismwas identified as amajor growth sector; Dundee,a cottage resort concept with a golf course andmarinawas built,and thenmanaged by the agencyuntil themid-1980s. Private local investors sawDundee’s potential and started aggressive expansion in the early1990s.To- day,the resort boasts one of themost unique 18-hole golf courses in theMaritimes,a 60-roomhotel,38 cottage units (one and two bedroom),a restaurant,a PAR EXCELLENCE IN GORGEOUS CAPE BRETON Dundee Resort & Golf Club pub,and a varietyof recreational activities. Dundee Resort &Golf Clubwas owned by theMacAulay familyof Baddeckuntil June 2017,when Sandippal (Sonny) Grewall purchased the lodge,clubhouse,and golf course.Mr. MacAulay retained ownership of the cottages,which Sonny manages. In a recent conversationwith BusinessViewMagazine,Sonny shared details of the Dundee Resort &Golf Club operation as it was when he acquired it in June,and his plans for injecting excitement,money,and business savvy into the property. An engineer by trade,Sonnymay seeman unlikelyprospect as a hotelier,but he sets the record straight. “I’man entrepreneur.Mybackground is engineering,but I’mmore of a businessman.I currently run an AT A GLANCE DUNDEE RESORT & GOLF CLUB WHAT: Scenic lakeside resort and golf course WHERE: Overlooking Bras d’Or Lake on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia WEBSITE: www.dundeeresort.com
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