BVM Oct, 2016 - page 16

16 Business View Magazine - October 2016
China Endeavors to Build a
Big Data “Smart Ocean”
China, on its way of becoming a maritime power, is
promoting the development of maritime big data and
the building of the “Smart Ocean.”
The 2016 China Qingdao International Ocean Summit
Forum was held in Qingdao on September 26th. Ex-
perts participating expressed the belief that big data
is the emerging strategic resource, maritime big data
is the scientific application of big data technology in
the maritime field, and maritime science has entered
a new era driven by both data and knowledge.
Wu Lixin, an academician at the Chinese Academy of
Science, pointed out that maritime big data involves
various fields, including: physical oceanography, ma-
rine geology, marine biology, marine ecology, marine
chemistry, marine remote sensing, and deep-sea ob-
servation - physical oceanography, alone, has waves,
humidity, salinity, and another 200 data variables.
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