Business View - October 2015 167
17 malls throughout the United States,” says Knowlton.
“It’s that classic carousel experience that we all remem-
ber as a kid. And that fits in with the Fund Brand, family
entertainment category.”
While Fun Brands Carousels may hearken back to an
earlier time, Knowlton insists that the company’s two
other operations have stayed ahead of the curve. “We’ve
definitely evolved both brands dramatically,” he explains.
“When I came on board in 2009, both weremore focused
just around birthdays and celebrations. We’ve expanded
it to field trips for schools and camps for summer busi-
ness. We celebrate special events throughout the year.
We host Easter egg hunts, Memorial Day jumps, Fourth
of July jumps, and a Black Friday jump, where you can
drop off your kids and we watch them while you go shop-
ping. We’ve added Parents’ Night Out on Friday nights,
where, again, you can drop off your child, and we’ll
watch them. They’re getting great exercise, having fun,
and maybe doing crafts. So we’ve expanded to all the
holidays throughout the year, and we’ve also opened our