142 Business View - October 2015
als. Without community housing, supports and ser-
vices are difficult to deliver and cannot guarantee a
person’s stability. Services and supports should follow
the individual and respond to his/her unique needs
and must be integrated to work effectively in serving
all Albertans from birth to end of life.
• Albertans Have the Right to Age Well in Community
- Aging is experienced differently and uniquely by in-
dividuals. The services and supports to age well, in-
cluding communities having all housing options, must
be consistent, equitable and accessible across the
province. Communities understand their diverse popu-
lations and must have flexibility to respond to unique
expectations and culture.
In order to realize these principles, ASCHA hopes to
work with Alberta’s government to build the first-ever,
provincial housing strategy, incorporating an overall
approach to housing that is aligned with all other strat-
egies, including homelessness, affordable housing,
and continuing and dementia care. ASCHA believes
that such a comprehensive provincial housing strat-
egy will enable communities to plan effectively and
predictably for their future housing needs based on
the principle of a housing first model. In addition, a
person-centered focus will allow choices for residents
to age well in community.
ASCHA members take a very active part in the orga-
nization’s committee structure and working groups in
order to further its agenda. Various member-driven
committees meet during the year. These commit-
tees include a Capital Development Planning Work-
ing Group, the Education and Best Practice Working