Business View Magazine - Nov 2023

96 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 11 send your energy hundreds of miles away, either through pipelines of heat, or power lines.” The Future is Positive Over the next 18 months, Decentralized Energy Canada is expecting to enter a high- growth phase. Kendall emphasizes, “It’s been a long journey, and it hasn’t been an easy journey, to finance or to sustain. But I think the Decentralized Energy Forum in November at Chateau Lake Louise is going to be critical to really engaging the right leaders in our industry. There’s a lot of momentum building right now, and DEC needs to be there and start doing what we’re good at doing for more people.” “We need to magnify the value we’ve been bringing to the industry. We’ve made an impact on accelerating the energy transition positively. There’s still so much more we can do.”