Business View Magazine - Nov 2023

92 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 11 or 20 years, Decentralised Energy Canada (DEC) has stood as a pioneering force in Canada’s energy landscape, spearheading the conversation towards sustainable, resilient, and cost-effective energy solutions. As a federally incorporated, non-profit industry association, DEC serves as the premier hub for the decentralized energy industry across the country. Concisely defined, decentralized energy (DE) is energy generated and stored near its point of use, encompassing various energy forms and efficiency measures. DE projects are adaptable to meet local demand, without predefined capacity limits, offering a sustainable and responsive energy solution. DEC’s Evolution Founded in 2003, DEC’s mission revolves around exploring decentralized energy, focusing on energy generation that’s embedded in communities, buildings, and distribution networks rather than relying solely on centralized transmission lines. F E NERGY