Business View Magazine l November 2022

203 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 11 “We’re a supplier to food establishments throughout the tri-state region,” says Arrow Linen General Manager Anthony Magliocco referring to New York, New Jersey, and eastern Pennsylvania. It has customers from upstate New York to the Jersey Shore. Arrow services not just linens but aprons, uniforms, towels, walk-off mats, and more - anything that a customer in the hospitality industry needs can be cleaned.The company has two facilities – one in Brooklyn which is more or less a distribution site, and one in Garden City on Long Island where laundry is washed. Its volume of business is significant, which is proven by the fact that Arrow has more than 225 employees from drivers to plant workers and operators. While it services a wide area, the majority of its business comes from New York City’s five boroughs. Arrow Linen was first awarded the 2005 Energy Star CHP Award by the US Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Energy in recognition of the pollution-reduction and energy-saving features of the combined heat and power (CHP) system installed to support its facility. In the nearly 20 years since first receiving that award, owners have continued to invest in the business’ sustainability. The company’s headquarters on Long Island includes a solar panel system installed several years ago. That system provides 15,000 kilowatts of power per week, covering up to 70 percent of the facility’s electric demand. More recently Arrow Linen invested in a wastewater recovery system that allows it to reuse discharged water, filter it through osmosis technology and use it to reclaim heat and water. In fact, up to 75 percent of water discharged by the facility is reused in some way. “We feel it is important to know what is being put into our Zecron Textiles 1 - 8 0 0 - 5 2 2 9 2 9 4 | I N F O @ Z E C R O N . C O M | W W W . Z E C R O N . C O M Di rect impor ters and di s t r ibutors of Ins t i tut i ona l Tex t i l es pr imar l y to the L i nen Renta l Indus t ry . The color striped Bistro Napkins provides durability of polyester and absorbancy of cotton. ARROW L INEN