Business View Magazine | November 2020

64 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2020 opportunities. On behalf of my staff, we’re trying to push forward a level of excellence and engage with the members and relevant stakeholders in effective interaction and promote the continued success of the Association.” BVM: What are the most important issues OGCA and your members are dealing with? Cautillo: “Pandemic responses clearly take over a large portion of my time in regard to ensuring costs attributed to the pandemic are captured properly in contracts. And to push the buyers of construction to release more projects without encumbrances. That applies to small, medium, and large. We’re not asking the government for a handout. We’re not looking for a dollar value in some sort of stimulus. What we’re asking the government to do is stimulate the economy by putting more projects out into tender, so they can actually get the ball rolling. People want to work; they’re tired of being at home, and they want to feel that sense of satisfaction again.