Business View Magazine | November 2020

195 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2020 work with them to promote this Airport. For a period of about five years, we had air shows.” “Back when we were not self-supporting, we depended a lot on the local taxpayers,” Deck shares. “And, for the first couple of years, trying to get the Airport’s budget through, the vote was always a challenge. Sometimes, it barely squeaked through. A year after the Texas Flying Legends arrived, and put on a fantastic show one weekend, the next year, the budget passed almost unanimously. So, it showed just how important public relations are.” As is the case in almost every airport, there are maintenance projects on Wicasset Municipal’s agenda. Tetrev reports that the apron is undergoing crack repair, and next summer, the runway is going to be rebuilt at a cost of over $3 million. “We’re looking forward to that, although, unfortunately, we will have to close down for about six weeks during the summer. THE WI SCASSET MUNI C I PAL A I RPORT