Business View Magazine | November 2020
120 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2020 that it has also kept up-to-date with the new technologies that the modern banking universe now requires. The bank runs its core operating system with Jack Henry’s Core Director Software. It also partners with RSM, the nation’s fifth largest accounting firm, and its FIT (Financial Institution Technology) program that covers software upgrades for servers, routers, and switches, IT compliance, and the IT Vision Help Desk. “And we’re putting money towards additional technology products and services,” Thomson states. “We also provide the necessary training for our staff to better educate our customers. We have a studio in the basement where we do how-to videos that we put on our website so our customers know, for instance, how to do digital banking, how to do a remote deposit, or how to do person-to-person payments. If you have problems, we have a live chat option within our e-banking app where customers can ask questions and receive answers from bank personnel. We have applications for mortgage loans and installment loans online, and, within the next six months, it will be possible to open up a deposit account online. “This technology works hand-in-hand with our partnership with Haberfeld for customer acquisition strategies. This includes offering free checking, a free gift, and cash back for unused debit cards and checks from another bank. Through the Haberfeld program, the entire bank staff has been taught how to open up an account within three minutes. We train on that and we have a cross-sales ratio of about seven products and services: e-banking, digital wallet, mobile deposit, bill pay, e-statements, and more, tied to an opening of an account.” Going forward, a fifth generation of Thomsons are preparing to take up the reins of CUSB Bank’s management. All three of J. Scott’s children - Samantha, John, and William - have worked at the bank during high school and/ or college. John has worked in the Osage office determine how we could make it better. We consider the ‘Work Smarter Not Harder’ program a win-win for the bank, employees and valued customers. “Also, I’ve never been afraid, and my forefathers have never been afraid, to put money towards staff education. We do zero-percent/no interest loans to bank employees who want to buy technology. They then pay us back through auto- debit on their paycheck. The thought is, if you’re going to spend time on a tablet, or a computer at home, you’re going to be more efficient when you come to the bank. We also have a 401K program, profit sharing, and incentive programs on a quarterly and annual basis.” While old-fashioned values remain the core of CUSB Bank’s culture, Thomson maintains
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