Business View Magazine | November 2019

322 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2019 focuses heavily on repaving initiatives. South Fulton is about 90 sq. miles, so there is a lot of roadway and infrastructure that we’ve invested in. During our first year of operating the TSPLOST program, we paved over 70 miles of road, which is really impressive as that far exceeds efforts by the County previous to our implementation of the program. “Our investment in Parks & Rec is also very beneficial to our citizens – we operate over 800 acres of parkland, which includes 40 athletic fields, 44 tennis courts, multiple full-service recreation facilities with basketball, football, and aquatics programs. But what we’re most proud of is our efforts to bring the STEM programs and after- school activities to our park systems; provide people with healthy enrichment, as well as an education component. We also have a shooting range, an arts center, and an amphitheater within our boundaries. So, our parks product is both diverse and unique.” BVM: How do you attract and retain businesses? !"#$%&'(#))*++(#' '*!,#+& A national contract servic e provide helping public agencies provide excellen and cost effective inspections, pla n revie and complete building departmen t service CAAPROFESSIONALS.COM 27401 Los Altos #220 • Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (866) 530-4980 • EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONS IN GOVERNMENT SERVICES SINCE 198 CAAPROFESSIONALS.COM 100 Hartsfield Centre Parkway, Suite 500 Atlanta, GA 30354 (866) 530-4980 • EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONS IN GOVERNMENT SERVICES SINCE 1984 A national contract service provider helping public agencies provide excellent and cost effective inspections, plan review, and complete building department services. Donald: “We’ve launched what would be considered a virtual Business Resource Center where we provide access to funding for expansion or façade beautification. We’re also launching redevelopment initiatives through the Main Street Program. Businesses that existed prior to incorporation, and are now adjusting to new codes and regulations, can leverage this combination of resources to adapt and comply working hand in hand with the City. In support of our business retention and attraction we have partners like Coca-Cola, Georgia Power, and BB&T that have committed to serve as mentors to small businesses who are looking to grow, expand, or launch in South Fulton. “To ensure that these new offerings are seamlessly administered, we’ve created a one-stop-shop for businesses to access our business services and connect with one person that’s assigned to them from start to finish. This has gone so well that to date we’ve tripled the number of business licenses issued since 2017. We’ve also lowered the