Business View Magazine | November 2019

119 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2019 WEBERLANE MANUFACTUR ING INC . “At that time, current production was around 200 trailers a year, with a product line of six different models. Edwards’ four sons joined in, until 1997 when a split between farming and manufacturing operations was made; one son took on the family dairy farm, while three of the sons became involved with the trailer manufacturing, moving production off site into a Listowel area manufacturing facility.” Business grew steadily, with more agricultural models added to the Supertilt dump trailer lineup, as well as industrial and construction trailers, highway and utility trailers, and some specialty, stainless steel products manufactured specifically for the ice wine production market. Today, Weberlane fabricates a full line of agricultural trailers, including dumpers, livestock trailers, grain and forage trailers, and fertilizer spreaders; home and contractor trailers, including covered trailers, flatdeck trailers, equipment trailers, and landscaping trailers; industrial trailers and aggregate haulers; as well as a broad selection