Business View Magazine November-December 2018

230 231 EXCITING TIMES AHEAD REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY, AT A GLANCE CAPE BRETON REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY, NOVA SCOTIA WHAT: Amalgamated municipality, population just under 100,000 WHERE: Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia WEBSITE: C ape Breton Regional Munici- pality (CBRM) is Nova Scotia’s second largest municipality and the economic heart of Cape Breton Island. The municipali- ty was created in 1995 through the amalgamation of eight municipalities in Cape Breton County: the Municipality of the County of Cape Breton, the City of Sydney, and the Towns of Glace Bay, SydneyMines,NewWaterford,North Sydney,Dominion, and Louisbourg. While the CBRM is home to a sig- nificant concentration of government services, social enterprise, and private sector companies, including the Cana- dian Coast Guard College, Cape Bret- on University, NSCC Marconi campus, and New Dawn Enterprises, its rural areas continue to support agriculture, fishing, mining, and forestry. Tourism, however, is the big driver. In autumn, Nova Scotia CAPE BRETON