Business View Magazine - May 2024

PROGRAM OFFERINGS AND PARTNERSHIPS Ashland Community and Technical College crafts robust academic programs and partnerships catering to the developing job market and the community it serves. Vital sectors the college focuses on are healthcare and skilled trades, areas experiencing a demand for knowledgeable professionals. “Our largest sector is healthcare, and we have collaboratively launched programs in radiology and medical technology, ECG, and others,” Ferguson says. With the highest number of welding booths in Kentucky, efforts in skilled trades are equal to those in medicine. Complemented by a broad range of training and state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, the institution implements nearly round- the-clock learning. Partnerships play a crucial role in ACTC’s operational and educational programs. Through collaborations with 100 companies in the past year, the college successfully bridged the gap between education and employment, creating pathways that benefit students and the economy. These alliances bolster the college’s offerings and enhance its capacity to deliver specialized workforce training. A standout in Ashland’s partnership portfolio is the ASHLAND COMMUNI TY AND TECHNICAL COLLEGE