Business View Magazine - May 2024

Touchstone’s collaboration with Carefeed, a partnership that has developed communication and documentation processes. Carefeed has afforded Touchstone’s team more time and focus for direct patient care. The referral process is also aided by Touchtone’s use of the pac-IQ’s software ‘referral-IQ®’ Palmer further emphasizes the tangible clinical benefits of these advancements, stating, “We’ve significantly reduced our referral response time to within 15 to 20 minutes in the majority of cases.” This strategy has changed Touchstone’s discharge planning processes from when a patient is referred. Instead of laboriously navigating through extensive documentation, the system efficiently extracts crucial keywords and criteria, providing a comprehensive overviewof each patient’s needs and next destination. This simplified approach facilitates a smoother transition from acute to post-acute care, prioritizing patient safety and well-being throughout recovery. Touchstone aims to enhance overall outcomes and safety standards by initiating discharge planning early and maintaining oversight. Palmer adds, “Identifying key criteria and extracting essential data from referral documents ensures seamless patient care transitions.” 151 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 05 TOUCHSTONE COMMUNI T IES