Business View - May 2015 177
which sit alongside and have access to parks, sports
fields, community facilities and a number of recreation
What Union City is not, however, is just a suburb of
a bigger, more well-known neighbor – a fact ably evi-
denced by an ambitious plan conceived by its veteran
redevelopment manager and Interim Deputy City Man-
ager, Mark Evanoff.
The Union City Station District project involved the pur-
chase/remediation of a 30-acre PG&E pipe yard, re-
configuration of the BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) sta-
tion to make it accessible to pedestrians and buses,
the construction of 841 housing units, and the pend-
ing construction of 900 residences.
“We’re our own community. The Station District Plan
was premised on attracting major employers, creating
a vibrant walkable community, served by an intermo-
dal transit hub,” Evanoff said. “We’re completing the
construction of BART Station improvements, to cre-
ate a two-sided station with direct pedestrian links to
housing and job centers and markets..
“Since that plan adoption, 90 acres of environmentally
contaminated land – with a negative land value – has
been remediated and is now generating property tax.
It’s a win-win for the region.”
Union City’s Public Works Department includes an
engineering division which is responsible for the en-
gineering and management of capital improvement
City of Union City
Municipality of nearly 70,000 residents
that was incorporated on Jan. 13, 1959, following
the combination of the communities of Alvarado,
New Haven and Decoto
Suburb in the San Francisco Bay area
in Alameda County, Calif., approximately 30 miles
from San Francisco and 20 miles north of San